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Veterans Memorial Arena - Fargo, ND

Set-up starts at 7am on Saturday. All Dealers are expected to be there by 9am.
The show goes until 5pm on Saturday and 3pm on Sunday
Dealer are allowed back in at 8am on Sunday Show starts at 10am. The room is locked and there is overnight security.
Tables are 8ft. Each table will have at least one chair provided. We should have extra chairs for dealers to grab, but if you need more than 2 please bring your own.
Each table comes with 2 dealer admission tickets. If you need to purchase more see below
You are expected to stay until the end of the show on Saturday and Sunday. If you don't you will not be allowed back.
Load-in & Out
There is a garage door in the back of the Arena where dealers can unload from there car. Click Below for exact direction to to unloading door. The Door will open 7am on Saturday and Close at 9am. It will open Sunday at 3pm for loading out. Dealer can also load-in though the front entrance of arena. We do not have carts for dealers to use.
There is plenty of parking for everyone in the Arena parking lot. If you need to use the garage door to unload you it will open at 7am. Load-in and Load-out are first come first serve
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